Merz Schule – Education Merz Schule – Education
Visit Site


Coming up with a fresh design for an old-established institution can be a delicate matter. For Merz Schule, the main task was to create a new website and update the brand’s tonality. Our core approach was to focus on the social aspects of education and create an extensive photographic account of school life and activities.

To keep the impressive breadth and depth of content visually interesting, we created a playful modular design using image- and typography-based layout blocks.
The goal for the mobile version of the site was an application-oriented and clutter-free user experience.
We added a complementary, more vivid color scheme to differentiate between the various educational offerings.
The contemporary look that we established for digital communication was then transferred to a range of print media.
A playful, modular wing pattern derived from the classic owl logo serves as the backdrop for the student IDs.
We created a serial design for invitations/mini posters to announce special events.
Photos – Carla Benzing
We worked on a comprehensive photography concept focused on capturing all aspects of going to a unique and extraordinary school.